You can now purchase signed copies of my book, Domesticated, at the great Dashwood Books in New York. There are only a small number left, so hurry down and get while the getting's go...
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Bird Breath
Posted on 10:22 by election
Chilean Tinamou (Nothoprocta perdicaria)I find these X-ray films of birds breathing rather hypnotyzi...
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Looking for the Perfect Beat
Posted on 09:30 by election
Marilyn Diptych © Andy WarholOver the past month or so an art appropriation perfect storm has been battering the cultural landscape. Richard Prince was sued for his use of Patrick Cariou's Rastafarian photos in his series, Canal Zone, and Sheppard Fairey was sued (and counter-sued) the AP for use of a photograph to create his now iconic Obama poster.While those two incidents were being debated...
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
The Sheep Market
Posted on 18:24 by election
The Sheep Market is a project by artist/designer Arron Koblin. Arron enlisted thousands of workers on Amazon's Mechanical Turk web service and paid them two cents to "draw a sheep facing to the left." The sheep drawings were collected and printed on collectible stamps. The animated process of each sheep's creation may be viewed here.UPDATE: Check out Ten Thousand Cents, another Arron Koblin...
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
The Noble Beast
Posted on 05:05 by election
Andrew Bird © Cameron WittigAll Things Considered just interviewed Andrew Bird about his beautiful new album, Noble Beast. He is a fascinating guy who takes a unique approach to his creative process."I've always been obsessed with moss and moose's horns. The number eight, the sort of roundness of the number eight," he says. "The last record I made is a much more, like, pointy, toothy, jagged...
Monday, 16 February 2009
Nicolai Howalt's Car Crash Studies
Posted on 10:30 by election
© Nicolai HowaltNicolai Howalt's new series, Car Crash Studies, is a brutal survey of the violent allure of the automobile. The images speak to our dark romance with car chases, joy rides, and drag races. They are abstruse evidence of the ever present danger that draws you close during the "Chicken Race" scene in Rebel Without a Cause and carries the tension throughout Two-Lane Blacktop. The...
Miss Atom 2009
Posted on 08:25 by election
Alyona Kirsanova, sexy with cooling towersVia Wired:"Meet Alyona Kirsanova of Novovoronezh, one of the contestants in Russia's "Miss Atom" 2009. She is 22, works for Novovoronezhatomenergoremont, and loves "enjoying life." Don't you just want to take a dip in the cooling pond with her?"I am casting my vote for Nicolina, the warrior princess of light water reactors: Nicolina and her daughters,...
Sunday, 15 February 2009
I Love Gifts in the Mail: Dalton Rooney and Rob Hornstra
Posted on 07:51 by election
Swans Nest, Brooklyn © Dalton RooneyDalton Rooney is a landscape photographer from Brooklyn. Like any wise, young photographer in this turkey burger economy he has taken prints sales directly to the masses with his Print of the Month Club. If you join the club, Dalton will send you a limited edition print each month and cover the cost of shipping. He was kind enough to send me a print of Sw...
Friday, 13 February 2009
Ain't Love Grand
Posted on 20:19 by election
Two Towels © Alec SothIf you are looking for something to do with your beloved in the City of Brotherly Love, today is the final day to see my Domesticated show at the Print Cent...
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
The Arts Are Stimulating
Posted on 08:58 by election
Hedy Lamarr pioneered spread-spectrum communication technologyI believe art is its own reward, but that sentiment doesn't seem to win many converts when tough decisions are being made about dwindling economic resources. Michele and Robert Root-Bernstein take a crack at a timely new argument for the instrumental benefits of the arts."The fact is that the arts foster innovation. We've just...
Thursday, 5 February 2009
But The Good News Is...
Posted on 08:33 by election
Dad and Patty in the office, last days open, Trainer, Penna © Lisa KeresziLux Interior is dead and my husband is a bit distraught.But the good news is...Friend and early mentor, Lisa Kereszi, finally has a Web site. When I teach my class about photographers who have mastered color, I show Lisa's work. Sarah Sudhoff has made the Texas to New York trek this week so she can attend the opening...
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Monday, 2 February 2009
Andy Guthrie In Lyon
Posted on 07:54 by election
Andy Guthrie is a brilliant singer, songwriter, composer, pianist and guitarist. His last album, Milk and Waste, was one of the best albums released in 2005 and is still in heavy rotation in my house. His forthcoming album, Andy Guthrie In Lyon, features twelve mostly new tracks recorded live in France in 2008. Lucky for everyone you can listen to the whole album streaming now on Andy's si...
Sunday, 1 February 2009
The Stefan Ruiz Connection
Posted on 07:43 by election
La Paz, Bolivia © Stefan RuizJen Bekman's latest 20x200 photographic offering is two brilliant prints by Stefan Ruiz. You would be have to be a fool not to jump on these beautiful and extremely reasonably priced photographs. And, since you are reading my blog, I know you are not a fool. Seeing Stefan Ruiz's name on 20x200 prompted an it's-a-small-world-after-all moment for me. He is among...
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